JMoss Architecture
4 min readAug 18, 2021

People, Community And Government.

O God of creation

Direct our noble cause

Guide our leaders right

Help us (Our) youth the truth to know

In love and honesty to grow

And living just and true

Great lofty heights attain

To build a nation where peace

And justice shall reign.

Second Stanza of Nigeria’s National Anthem

…Where X is unknown

…and = practical Experiments.

This is me, as real as I can be. I’ve always been this way, and it’s a function of my life experiences, wait, what am I even talking about?

How much of one's life experiences can be registered in history as wisdom, relative to one’s age?

what’s the correlation between a person’s age and life experiences?

How much influence does our society have/had on our formative years as infants and lads, and how important are the roles of our parents, neighbors, community elders/Obas/chiefs, and local government agencies in the development of every child within the community?

what could pass as a contextual definition of a community in a developing country, with apt attention to the considerations of the uniqueness of her people, culture, diversities, and governmental structures?

To what degree should policy making be the foundation of every governmental/community engagement?

How much influence do individual family disputes, values, and antecedents have on community engagements and upholding law and order?

Development of any kind can not exist outside knowledge; the application of progressive knowledge can be debated as the highest form of development, in the context of a developing country, progressiveness must be founded upon the uniqueness and diversity of the people, their culture, and their history, which must also be based on data and scientific research about the people, their community, the government, and their entire geographical landscape.

This book will explore the different possibilities that exist in solving our unique problems indigenously, through a unique Framework, that has in its core: community development, Architecture, Technology and Governmental Agencies.

yada! yada! you’d read the book, wouldn’t you?

PEOPLE of God, meh weh ta! (Igala language), people are that iota, nkan pa to! ( yoruba language) embedded in every community’s foundation.

People like catalyst and reactants developed, some-way-along-the-line, now! we have Governments, an incredible method for achieving universal orderliness.

Every fundamental principle of religion has within its core; a fundamental hierarchical structure of governments and powers, displayed through different parlances, underscoring the inseparable concept of PEOPLE, COMMUNITY, AND GOVERNMENT.

COMMUNITY, throughout its applications has but one fundamental function, of which people are the most important elements in a community. People’s expressions of being, are complexly expressed in different hierarchies within different communities bound by some sort of agreement within the coffers of the existing governmental structure put in place by you know,…PEOPLE.

Dear Government,

Shall I go ahead? you know how it’s all about people, yeah! talk about executive orders, cool right?! judicial matters, legislative policies, institutions, agencies, organizations; for and non-governmental, securities, all is about what now?! PEOPLE.

The first stage of solving an obvious problem is the identification of the problem, while solutions also sometimes reveals itself in disguise.

Our Problem as a people is of the mind. So in other to get anything done, there has to be a mind shift or a mind consensus. Our minds have to be in sync.

The understanding of our problem as a people have to find a place in our minds, such that it comes to terms with the reality of our People.

Understanding and catering to Our people’s mindset are as important as the essentials for their living.

This thought trajectory is to lay a foundation that establishes the importance of a people’s mindset towards achieving proper Development.

Talking about our problems will involve gathering loads of data samples about an existing people’s mindset.

It will involve a collective effort from people and stakeholders within a certain community.

There would be a comparison of people’s mindsets from different communities but within the same (state) geographical location.

The sole purpose of this Talk would be to establish the KNOW; the first stage of solving our problems.

What to expect in the next publication, is loads of Data and Insights to our Problems.

Please note that this set of publications #PCG is a research-oriented indigenous-solution to our problem as a developing nation.

…Where X is unknown

…and = Practical Experiments.



JMoss Architecture

Developing and scaling web3 and the blockchain Usecases across Africa and beyond.